Kategoriarkiv: In english

Better get a Danish- dictionary if you frequently visits my blog, but english posts will all be in this category.

The Terrorist’s Handbook

Sakset fra http://www.capricorn.org/~akira/home/terror.html: The Terrorist’s Handbook Written BY: UNKNOWN AUTHOR HEAVILY EDITED by: Kloey Detect of Five O and B.S. of Hardbodies Special thanks to WordPerfect Corporation for their spelling checker…….This file NEEDED IT! (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) SPECIAL THANX ALSO GOES OUT … Læs resten

Udgivet i Arthur Dent, Fakta, In english, Politik | Tagget | Kommentarer lukket til The Terrorist’s Handbook

..while you waterboard yourself in your own tears..

Udgivet i Humor, In english | Skriv en kommentar

Håber ikke min chef læser med ;-)

Udgivet i Humor, In english, Nørderi | Tagget , , | Skriv en kommentar

En Arthur Dent-kategori?

Jeg har tilføjet en kategori til min blog og i modsætning til kategorier som Foto, Humor, IT-sikkerhed og Nørderi, så er den måske ikke helt så selvforklarende: Arthur Dent-kategorien. Arthur Dent er, som det vil være nogen bekendt, den gennemgående … Læs resten

Udgivet i Arthur Dent, In english, Politik | Skriv en kommentar

Take this plane to Havana or I will fondle my wife!

From L. A. Times – In-flight confrontations can lead to charges defined as terrorism: Some security experts say the use of the law by airlines and their employees has run amok, criminalizing incidents that did not start out as a … Læs resten

Udgivet i Arthur Dent, Humor, In english, IT-sikkerhed, Nørderi, Politik | En kommentar

Red Porshce Killer wanted

!@(uploads/2008/04/red_porsche.jpg:R250 thickbox: “Red Porsche © UFOTO|DK”)Back in november 2007, I had a few days of enthusiasm and took my bicycle to work (the car was in for repairs at the local sparepart pusher). A collegue told me of a shorter … Læs resten

Udgivet i Humor, In english, Motorcykler | Tagget , , , | Skriv en kommentar

ThickBox 3 reloaded

Thanks to the plugin author, Miki Fossati, the ThickBox 3 plugin is now working with WordPress 2.5 and my WP Classic-based theme 😎 . If you don’t know what ThickBox does, please go to the “Kan du lime den?” post … Læs resten

Udgivet i In english, Nørderi | Tagget | Skriv en kommentar

Thickbox 3 formatting errors

Below is shown the formatting errors I have experienced, when using the ThickBox 3 plugin with WordPress 2.5. 1: Current theme, based on WP Classic, with ThickBox 3 enabled. Example showing malformed indenting and no empty line after forced line … Læs resten

Udgivet i In english, Nørderi | Skriv en kommentar

Google knows better..

What is George Bush? Læs resten

Udgivet i In english, Politik | Skriv en kommentar

MD_IOCPROBE_DEV: Invalid argument

If you encounter the error message “MD_IOCPROBE_DEV: Invalid argument”, you have a faulty disk mirror or RAID on your Solaris! You are probably already aware of this, otherwise you wouldn’t be searching the net and thus reading this. However, when … Læs resten

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