Thickbox 3 formatting errors

Below is shown the formatting errors I have experienced, when using the ThickBox 3 plugin with WordPress 2.5.

1: Current theme, based on WP Classic, with ThickBox 3 enabled. Example showing malformed indenting and no empty line after forced line breaks, in article “Hvad er din pc værd – for en it-kriminel?

2: Traditionel WP Default theme, with ThickBox 3 disabled:

3: Traditionel WP Default theme, with ThickBox 3 enabled. Line breaks are wrong, but indenting is working:

4: No screendump, but the indenting problem also exists with current Classic theme, as provided with the WP 2.5 download.

I hope this is useful 🙂 .

Om Uffe R. B. Andersen

Uffes weblog
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