I dag bliver min far 82 år. Stort tillykke med dagen, far.
I dag bliver min far 82 år. Stort tillykke med dagen, far.
Atter har dieselprisen taget et dyk og nærmer sig nu niveauet fra 2009 . Bilen har artet sig i år og har blot fået et intervaleftersyn og to nye vinterdæk.
Samlet set har vi haft et lidt højere totalt forbrug, men et lidt lavere ugegennemsnit – der har jo været 53 uger i 2015 . Vores elforbrug er højt for husstandens størrelse, men varmepumpen bruger nok en pæn del af det vi ligger over gennemsnittet.
For første gang i en længere årrække, har vi nedsat vores vandforbrug. Mere korrekt har vi nok nedsat vores vandspild, i form af nye vandinstallationer i det nye hus. Jeg så dog gerne at det kom længere ned, men er lidt blank for idéer – alt er jo allerede vandsparende?
Det har været endnu et varmt år. Derfor kan man nok ikke direkte sammenligne gasforbruget i 2015 med de foregående år. Vores forventning til gasforbruget i det nye hus – det vi var blevet stillet i udsigt af Lind & Risør – var en halvering af forbruget. I 2015 har vi ligget tættere på 90 % reducering af forbruget og det skyldes altså ikke kun det milde vejr. Som det ses af grafen, havde vi stort set intet gasforbrug fra april til starten af september.
The Dell Dimension 9200 is an old PC by all measures. I bought mine in January 2007 and it has served me well. The processor is the Intel® CoreTM2 CPU E6400 @ 2.13GHz, which was state-of-the-art at the time of purchase. It came with a 380 GB disk and 2 GB memory, installed with Windows XP and with a free Windows Vista upgrade.
Over time, it has been improved. I opted out on Vista, but immediately had to purchase a Firewire adapter, that I needed for my Canon DV camera (yes, video cameras had tapes back then). In 2010, it was upgraded to Windows 7 Home 64 bit. Now it supported up to 4 GB memory, so it was upgraded to that and the disk was exchanged with a 1.5 TB Seagate Barracuda 7200.
In that configuration, it laboured on until last year, when my increased use of VirtualBox started to impact performance. I looked around the Net and found that, contrary to Dell’s specifications, it should be able to support even 8 GB memory. So I bought 4 x 2 GB 240-pin DDR2 DIMM modules, with only limited success – it was obviously faster, but started to Blue Screen. The modules where returned to the shop with a full refund and I looked more carefully at what other people had suggested to be safe. I then bought four Corsair XMS2 Xtreme Performance DDR2 2 GB DIMM 240-pin (CM2X2048-6400C5) and everything has worked fine ever since.
Then came along Windows 10 and I registered for my free upgrade, only to be disappointed – the ATI X1300/X1500 graphics adapter is not supported by Windows 10.
Back to Googling and I found that the Radeon HD6450 series should work fine with the Dimension 9200 (and its limited 375 W PSU), so I bought myself a Sapphire Radeon 6450 1 GB DDR3 with support for three monitors and sporting both DVI and DisplayPort connectors. At the same time, I bought a 250 GB Samsung SSD 850 EVO to further enhance the performance.
The current set up is:
I had a Windows 7 Pro product key laying around, so I did a fresh install of that, on the new disk. Then I upgraded to Windows 10 Pro and it went perfectly fine, within a few minutes it had activated itself. Then I chose to re-install Windows 10 Pro from scratch, just to make sure that no Windows 7 leftovers could impede on future performance and/or stability. You may need your Windows 10 Pro product key for that, but it can be found using e.g. ProduKey-64 from nirsoft. Spoiler Alert: All Windows 10 Pro product keys are identical and will be VK7JG-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-3V66T (XXXXX is for obfuscation), at least for installations upgraded from Windows 7/8.x Pro.
BitLocker Disk Encryption is available in Windows 10 Pro, but the Dimension 9200 lacks the modern type BIOS that allows secure storage of the encryption key. It can be activated by performing a little operation Windows Registry Keys and then you will have to either enter a password/passphrase at boot time or have dedicated USB key with the encryption key inserted in the computer at boot time. I prefer the passphrase, because USB keys tend to fail over time.
Bilen har fået nye forbremser (både skiver og klodser), ny tandrem og, akut, nye fjederben foran.
Forbruget er det samlede forbrug for vores to adresser i 2014, inklusiv byggestrøm på Rydtoften.
Forbruget er det samlede forbrug for vores to adresser i 2014, inklusiv vandforbrug under byggeriet på Rydtoften. Det er egentlig forbløffende lavt.
Det har været et varmt et år og selvom vi havde et temmelig højt gasforbrug i hele marts og april, i lejehuset i Værløse, så er årets forbrug noget lavere end 2012. Det skyldes også, at gasforbruget i det nye hus er utroligt lavt – i gennemsnit 9 m3 per uge i de sidste 10 uger af 2013. Til sammenligning var det ikke under 45 m3 i nogen af samme uger i 2012.
Torsdag den 18. september 2014 havde jeg indbrud i hus i Værløse og fik blandt andet stjålet følgende videoudstyr og -tilbehør:
Opdateret 2016-01-24: Serienummer tilføjet.
Torsdag den 18. september 2014 havde jeg indbrud i hus i Værløse og fik blandt andet stjålet følgende computer- og elektronikudstyr:
Opdateret, 22. september 2014: Serienummeret på HP Compaq 2230s Notebook er rettet, da jeg oprindeligt havde fået skrevet typenummeret.
Torsdag den 18. september 2014 havde jeg indbrud i hus i Værløse og fik blandt andet stjålet følgende kameraudstyr og -tilbehør:
Alt udstyret er i prima stand, uden ridser eller andre kendetegn (desværre). Alle objektiver er med en eller anden form for filter og alle er med modlysblænde (Lens Hood), ligesom alle er med for- og bagdæksel.
The following Canon camera equipment was stolen from my house in Værløse, Denmark, on Thursday september 18th 2014:
All was in mint condition, all lenses with original Lens Hoods and fron and back caps.
Interesting but also disturbing reading …
Hilarious 🙂
Here is a simple experiment that will teach you an important electrical
lesson: On a cool, dry day, scuff your feet along a carpet, then reach
your hand into a friend’s mouth and touch one of his dental fillings.
Did you notice how your friend twitched violently and cried out in
pain? This teaches us that electricity can be a very powerful force,
but we must never use it to hurt others unless we need to learn an
important electrical lesson.
It also teaches us how an electrical circuit works. When you scuffed
your feet, you picked up batches of “electrons”, which are very small
objects that carpet manufacturers weave into carpets so they will
attract dirt. The electrons travel through your bloodstream and
collect in your finger, where they form a spark that leaps to your
friend’s filling, then travels down to his feet and back into the
carpet, thus completing the circuit.
Amazing Electronic Fact: If you scuffed your feet long enough without
touching anything, you would build up so many electrons that your
finger would explode! But this is nothing to worry about unless you
have carpeting.
— Dave Barry, “What is Electricity?”